What Is Your Plan for Keeping Your Business Connected During an Emergency?
This month may mark the beginning of the hurricane season, but you need not live on the coast for it to be wise to have an emergency preparedness plan in place for your business. How will your business function if employees cannot reach the office? How well could your business continue after a fire, storm or other disaster caused significant damage to your office. Could you still deliver your services or products? Would you still be able to keep in contact with your clients?
Your businesses phone system is your best bet for maintaining connectivity. Wise business owners are prepared for possible emergencies so they can avoid or minimize any resulting business downtime. Keeping you business’s phone system operating is one of the highest priorities. The ability to stay in contact with vendors, customers and employees is a positive and reassuring step toward keeping up a sense of normal business operation.
Hosted VoIP Equals Remote Access to Your System
The main advantage for businesses with a hosted business VoIP system is the simplicity of maintaining a connection to the system, even when you are not at the office. Because the system is based in the cloud, you are given a number of options for means of communication.
– Integrated Mobile App
Phone systems based in the cloud, such as RingMe.io’s, offer mobile apps that make receiving or initiating calls appear as if you were at the office. Because our mobile solution is fully integrated with the phone system, you retain access to all the system’s calling features, and the caller ID will register all your calls as if they were originating from your office.
– Find-Me Follow-Me Features.
When emergencies keep employees away from your office, it is easy to make sure that they are still able to receive calls. The “Find-Me Follow-Me” feature offered by RingMe.io is simple to enable from either the Admin Portal or the Online User Portal. The Call Forwarding feature will send a call to whichever device or phone that you prefer. Simultaneous Ring will ring the office phone and any other phone number that you have chosen. Follow Me will use a sequence of devices or phones of your choice to find you.
Lost Your Internet or Power? Call Continuity Will Always Come Through for Your Business.
Remember that emergency situations also happen when you are at the office. While a downed phone line will not be an issue for a cloud VoIP phone system, all offices can still be inconvenienced due to lost Internet or power. With RingMe.io’s Find-Me Follow Me those calls can be rerouted to your cell phone or other phone number when the office loses Internet or power. At minimum, all calls can always at least go to Voicemail.
– Work from Anywhere.
When your employees are aware of a possible disruption to your business, like an incoming storm, they have the option to bring their office phone back to their home, plug it in their Internet connection, and then begin using the range of features available on the phone system, just as if they were back at the office. RingMe.io refers to this feature as Work from Anywhere, and it is ideal for telecommuting for people that prefer using their desk phone.
For many companies their business phone system is their lifeline to their customers and for maintaining business continuity. It is also a crucial component of any emergency preparedness plan. Even for the worst case scenarios, such as a completely devastated office, the hosted business VolP phone system will remain in service for your business.
All businesses should plan ahead when it comes to emergency preparedness, and there is no better time than now. While it is impossible to be fully prepared for every emergency situation, it is always comforting to know that your phone system will represent continuity for your business when things get tough.
Business Continuity, Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Preparedness